New VPN Asia: Better Privacy, Deals, and More Location

From the very beginning, we have committed ourselves to protecting your privacy and security on the web. Using the latest advancements in security and privacy, we are proud to be your partner in online privacy. Today, we bring you another good news. Recently, VPN Asia has gone through advanced projects. Our technicians and experts were working....

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Netflix May Have Turned People into Piracy

Piracy doesn’t always involve hacker. Sometimes, piracy involves normal people. People just like you and me. People who feel disappointed on how things run on this world. People who were betrayed by companies. Netflix is one of them. This is a big year for Netflix. A very big step when the company decided to go....

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10 Unusual Hacker Target

Hacker target. What first came to your mind when you hear it? Most people will come with similar answer. Gadgets. PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone, and maybe server. This is the most common answer. Is that wrong? Well, not necessarily. See, we give this answer not because we understand about hacking. This is the answer we receive....

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How to Stop Anyone from Spying on Your Smartphone

How much do you know about your smartphone? A communication device? Something you can bring wherever you go? Something to take a selfie? Well, you’re going to hate this if you treat your smartphone like any of them. Your smartphone is much more important that any of the above. In fact, inside your smartphone, there....

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iPhone and Privacy Battle

The FBI just made it clear with Apple iPhone. One thing we thought impossible was just brought to reality. They broke into Syed Farook’s iPhone. Apple was so confident that no one (and nothing) can break into their iPhone. Now, we know the fact. Nothing is 100% impenetrable. iPhone may look tough, but they’re not....

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Watch ABC Network from Anywhere with VPN Asia

ABC or American Broadcasting Company is one of the most popular streaming channels. Most streaming lovers at least enjoyed ABC once. It doesn’t matter what kind of content you like, ABC has it. That’s why people love it. That’s why we recommend it to you. ABC is famous for many things. And on the top....

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WhatsApp is Now Encrypted

WhatsApp just got better and safer. The company just concluded its critical security project. This project brings everyone the true experience of private conversation. On your phone, a very strong end-to-end encryption will safeguard all your conversations. This new feature, which will be available on the app latest version, will be set by default. That means,....

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The Best Browser for Your Privacy

How much do you know about your browser? After the whole time you used it browsing the web, do you actually know it? Your browser is, by any mean, your private library. It holds every information about your life. Every piece of it. And here comes our mistakes. We rarely think about it. Despite being....

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